Media Center

A story is a designing article, news item or feature, usually concerning a single designing, planning, elevation, or complete set drawings. Correspondents report news occurring in the building designing field, locally, from their own country, or from foreign cities where they are stationed.

Most reporters file information of our projects or designing and write their stories electronically as well as through social media from remote locations. In many cases, breaking stories are written by staff members, through information collected and submitted by other reporters who are out on the field gathering information for an event that has just occurred and needs to be broadcast instantly. Radio and television reporters often compose stories and report "live" from the scene. Some journalists also interpret the news or offer opinions and analysis to readers, viewers, or listeners. In this role, they are called commentators or columnists.

The first news for the Modern House Maker were print on 13 Nov 2016, Reporters take notes and also take photographs or shoot videos of working employees, or through a photographer or camera person. In the second phase, they organize the material, determine the focus or emphasis (identify the quality of designs), and finally write their stories. The story is then edited by news or copy-editors (U.S. style) or sub-editors in Europe, who function from the news desk. The headline of the story is decided by the news desk which was confirmed by us, and practically never by the reporter or the writer of the piece. Often, the news desk also heavily re-writes or changes the style and tone of the first draft prepared by the reporter / writer originally. Finally, a collection of stories that have been picked for the newspaper or magazine edition, are laid out on dummy (trial) pages, and after the chief editor has approved the content, style and language in the material, it is sent for publishing. The writer is given a byline for the piece that is published; his or her name appears alongside the article. This process takes place according to the frequency of the publication. Our news were published in a variety of formats (broadsheet, tabloid, magazine and periodical publications) as well as periods (daily, weekly, semi-weekly, fortnightly or monthly).

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